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$5.00I would like to inspire and lift you up with an intimate journey through my own life. My path toward joy, resilience, connection, gratitude and possibilities. I'm not perfect, but I have tried all my life to be the best human I can be! It is all because of my early education of qigong and meditation. However, in the process I have hurt people's feelings but never deliberately. I don't repeat my transgressions. Whoever is reading this book, my apologies to any of you to whom I may have caused stress or discomfort. FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART LOVE AND PEACE. WE ARE ONE! It is common knowledge that our body is made with different materials that perform numerous integrated functions. We can see them and feel them. The body also has an abstract invisible power/light called the Soul. In order for an individual to be balanced spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally, these two need to have a connection. The connection starts with the development of the heart energy. We must live in the moment.Add to cart