Mission and vision

Dame Munni Irone trading company is born out of the need. She has helped in growing many people’s business and made them a successful brand this her gift. Everyone feels safe working with her. She’s been in business since she was 19 years old always successful, and never had to do a transaction that was immoral. She has numerous projects in India, Mexico, North America, Morocco, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Oman and Africa and the US. She doesn’t want to wait for someone to invest she’s starting to do commerce to create New wealth where she can Help her global youths, they to be the future leaders of tomorrow. She gave away her state in 2008 after her husband passed away. She knows how to create for others now she’s creating for her self so she can serve better. Her work alert has quadruple and she is too shy and proud to ask People to give her money for her nonprofit. Her work is very divine so shall be done while she’s still on this planet. Amen.

She has a long history of serving. She has done extensive traveling visiting world leader. Most countries she has visited and the country leaders everyone said one thing to her.” We want to do business with you.” It was a divine message.

She want to clean corruption in business of gold, lithium, iron, sugar, and have a smooth transactions where the agents don’t have to get scammed. They are the one who work hard. She closes deals because she has earned the integrity in the Global community by serving.

The colors, the lime green and the gold was carefully selected to reflect her business personality with love and peace. She is calm and closes the deal with her heart energy.

The colors, Gold and Red, were carefully selected to reflect her business personality with love and peace. She is calm and closes the deal with her heart energy.

Gold is often associated with wealth, prosperity, and luxury. It symbolizes success, achievement, and a sense of abundance. Besides material wealth, gold can also represent quality, prestige, and high value. In some cultural or spiritual contexts, gold is linked to enlightenment, divinity, or the sacred.

Generally, red is associated with strong emotions such as passion, love, and good luck. It can also symbolize power, energy, and vitality. In many cultures, red is used for important occasions like weddings or celebrations, while in others. Additionally, red can stimulate appetite and grab attention, making it a popular choice for branding in business

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